Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bloom, Part Two

Read this document on Scribd: Microsoft Word - Assessment taxonomy
Woo-hooo!!!! After help from many class members, the instructor, and Googling like a madwoman, I finally did it!! I figured out how to convert my Microsoft Word document to a PDF and get the whole thing loaded onto my blog!!! Yay for me!! And yay for this nifty application I found--Scribd. Solved my problem in just a few clicks. Dontcha love technology??
And for the real reason I'm posting...
This is a table showing just a few activities from a plan for a journalism class. Many of the activities fall at the lower thinking levels, and that's not a good thing in my book. I want my journalists to be able to analyze and evaluate!! But that's a post for a different blog. If this was a class I was designing, I would definitely rework some activities to not only make them applicable for online learning, like using discussion boards and web sites for content, but I would bump up the thinking levels by asking students to analyze multmedia sites for true and accurate reporting styles, for instance.


Kathy G said...

Okay, so I was so proud of myself for finally figuring out a way to get this document uploaded into my blog, and then my comments about it went into cyberspace!! AAuugh!! Dontcha just love technolgy?

At any rate, this shows a chart of some of the assignments in a possible journalism class. It would just take a few tweaks to make it work online, such as using discussion boards for class discussions and multimedia web sites instead of print newspapers. However, the thinking levels of the assignments need to be ratcheted up. I definitely want my journalists to be able to analyze and evaluate! (But that's a post for a different blog...) I would rework assignments to ask them to analyze why a specific article works the way it does and evaluate what could be done to improve it, for instance. Assignments asking the students to create ways to make an article work in many formats would help as well.

Datta Kaur said...

Kathy, congratulations! You should be proud! The upload of your taxonomy table looks great and certainly displays that you understand the course design connection between Bloom levels and learning objectives.

I look forward to seeing this in your final project efforts. Thanks. ~ Datta Kaur

Team Assessment Project